Have a Disability and Need
Job Training and Placement?

Let our staff at SW Resources assist you!

Employment Services Provided:

Job Placement • Supported Employment
Prevocational Training • Job Coaching
Community Based Assessment
Work Skills Assessment • Life Skills

The Unemployment Rate for people with disabilities in 2019:


{More than twice the rate for those without a disability at 3.5%}

The number of disabled people not in
the workforce in 2019:

8 in 10

10% are self-employed,
compared to 5.9% of those with no disability.

{Source: The US Dept. of Labor}


Percentage of the disabled population employed
part-time in 2019:


{Compared to 17% of those without a disability}


Financial Incentives

Tax Benefits for Businesses who have
employees with disabilities

Businesses that incur expenses related to accessibility and
assistive technology may qualify for tax credits and incentives via the
Disability Tax Credit and Barrier Removal Tax Deduction.

Work Opportunity Tax Credit (WOTC)

The credit provides employers incentives to hire qualified individuals from these target groups.
The maximum tax credit ranges from $1,200 to $9,600,
depending on the employee hired and the length or employment.

Call us at (304) 428-6344